Coming Home!!

Hey There Witches, it's Stephanie here, and I know it's been a hot minute. Due to my mental health I subconsciously took a step back from the podcast without even knowing it. I didn't even really notice thanks to my soul sister and amazing co-host Brooke who handled everything like she always does, and I am so grateful to her. 

I have always struggled with organizing my time and becoming a mother did not help LOL! So the past two years I have been working on my health, medical and physical, adjusting to motherhood as a working mom, being a wife and finding time for me and my beliefs. 

The best thing I did was start going to therapy, where I learned strategies and tips to help with my anxiety and depression. During this therapy I was also diagnosed with ADHD and Complex Mood Disorder. This was a hard truth for me to swallow because not only was I finally getting answers to some things that I have struggled with all of my life, it was a diagnosis that my family wouldn't understand because they don't believe in mental health issues or the diagnoses that come along with it. The good news is that I have a husband and a best friend who support me and are there for me. With their support I have been working on strategies to hone this and to turn it into something that works for me to create the life that I want.

The biggest thing I’ve learned is that I need to cut myself some slack, because as the saying does “I’m only human.” I also have been working on not comparing myself to others, because I work hard and try to give my family my best. 

When it comes to my beliefs I have been trying to incorporate it into my everyday life, because it honestly helps me. Showers, at least one of the ones I take during the week, has become a spiritual cleansing ritual. I write sigils in my coffee or tea, do daily tarot and have extremely simplified my Altar. Where I try and do weekly offerings to my deities and burn incense.(P.s. The smell of incense instantly calms me.)

So Witches, along with our other Blog post topics I want to dedicate some posts to topics like, Witch Craft with the Family, Self Care and current topics on Witchtok or in our community. If there is a topic you want to read or learn about please email us at

Blessed Be Witches!




Lily of the Valley