Mabon Countdown Day 4

Most of my postings will be crafts, activities, and recipes, however, today I want to share a little bit about what I use the time leading up until Mabon to do.

I am an avid gardener, and while Lammas is the start of my harvest season, this is my second harvest. Currently, I am harvesting certain plants, yes that is true, but I am also dealing with the plants that are done for the season.

Along with the harvesting I am processing the plants that I have harvested. Some plants get dried and placed in jars. If I lack time, some things get placed into bags and frozen until I can process them later. I am currently learning to can certain items, however, I am not great at this and need practice.

Another task I am doing is making notes; on what grew well, what did not grow well, what needs a different pot, what might need fertilizer, and what I will or will not grow next year.

Now is also the time I choose bulbs that have to go into the ground in the fall to be ready for next spring. I am also saving the seeds from plants I grew this year to grow next year.

It sounds like a lot of work doesn’t it? I love it! Fall is my happy place, it’s where my ‘busy work’ lives. While I love the planting season of spring, this is where my heart truly lies.


Mabon Countdown Day 5


Mabon Countdown Day 3