Samhain Countdown Day 23
Samhain VS Halloween
If you are a brand new or newer witch you might be asking yourself, ‘Wait, how is Samhain different from the Halloween celebrations I have been observing up until now?’ (heck even I still get confused at times).
Here I have broken it down a little bit to give you an idea of the differences.
It is the third and final harvest festival of the Wheel of the Year
Signifies the midpoint between the fall equinox and the winter solstice.
Takes place on October 31st, starting at sunset and ending at sunset on the 1st of November
Marks the end of summer and the beginning of winter
On the old calendar it was considered an important time for giving offerings and communicating with the dead
Believed to have been derived from the pagan and Celtic celebration of Samhain
but was taken, changed, and celebrated by many different cultures over the years
It was originally a day known as “All Hallow’s Day” and it was a Christian alternative to Samhain
It originated in medieval England and celebrated the lives of faithful Christian saints
Originally it was celebrated on May 13th however it was later switched it to November 1st, making October 31st known as “All Hallows Eve,”
This would eventually change and become known as Halloween.
This tradition, however, has kept many of the same traditions of Samhain
Although it focused more on their saints than that of ancestors or evil spirits.